Helo a chroeso i
Blog Rhuthun/Ruthin Blog

cyhoeddwyd gan Non Liquet, cydweithwyr a’u tîm

News from our International School

Work on the new hall for Schola Ruthinensis is progressing well.

Meanwhile, much to the detriment of parents who drop off their children for Ysgol Brynhyfryd, Ruthin School is to introduce barriers at both ends of Bryn Goodman within the school's control. These will be by the two gate posts off Mold Road—where once there were actual gates—and at the bend of Bryn Goodman by the school itself. This is private land and the school's new measures are a road and general safety scheme and should be welcomed. Pedestrians will still have a right of access. However, it could be argued that the public have had vehicular access to this for more than the statutory 20 year period and it should therefore  now be classed as (non-statutory, non-adopted) highway. The former vehicular access off the A494 by the new hall will not be reinstated when the building is complete.

What it does is put pressure on Brynhyfryd parents who use Jumbo Hill and Ruthin School land as an unofficial pick-up and drop-off point. It could be argued that in so doing, pupils need to cross the A494 but that's a parental responsibility and not the school's. In any case, there's a new signal-controlled crossing point.

Currently, Ysgol Brynhyfryd manages the dropping off and picking up of pupils well. Parents have a designated area and there are so-called sleeping policemen to control speed around the car park. A modest increase in cars may, however, cause a problem, not necessarily at the designated drop-off itself but at the entrance and egress at the A494 because here lieth the problem. In spite of work undertaken there 15 years ago to reduce the slope from the school to Mold Road, there's a nasty camber which means exiting school buses need to cross over to the "wrong" side of the road in order to turn towards the town centre. Unthinking private motorists then try to squeeze past, on their wrong side.

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