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Blog Rhuthun/Ruthin Blog

cyhoeddwyd gan Non Liquet, cydweithwyr a’u tîm

Rhuthun Art Quarter

The closure of the slightly wacky, sustainable clothes shop Elysium afforded the opportunity to turn the premises into a gallery. This, the new owners called Moss Piglet, equally wild, equally wacky. That changed hands and is now run by original Rosie Hughes Moseley's (Moss Piglet) sister, Liz Hogdekinson. This month, it formally changed its name to The Studio and it's the better for it, IMO. The only trouble is that it isn’t open as often as is good for it.

Across the road is a rejuvenating TÅ· Celf. This was also a studio but, unbroken, has been in the hands of another proprietrix for about 18 months.

As of this weekend, it will become a studio with secondhand books. The owner is amalgamating two shops, TÅ· Celf itself and closing one down in Llangollen. Interestingly, the rent for a unit half the size in Llangollen is four times that being paid in Rhuthun/Ruthin. Such is the fee that landlords are able to command in Llangollen.

The proprietrix is looking to open seven days a week and possibly even sell teas, coffees and cakes. Previous occupiers had served light food on these premises, when it was an antique shop.

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