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Blog Rhuthun/Ruthin Blog

cyhoeddwyd gan Non Liquet, cydweithwyr a’u tîm

Why no Campaign?

Rhuthun’s mayor, Morfudd Jones, is asking residents to “shop locally”. This follows the recent planning inspector’s decision to overturn the county council’s planning committee’s refusal to let Tesco expand.

She is clearly unhappy with the inspector’s decision and the changes any Tesco expansion may bring. Said the mayor in the Free Press, “Now is the time for Ruthin residents to use their butchers, use the florists and the local shops to keep them going.”

We don’t perceive this as a (negative) campaign against Tesco. Rather, it’s a (positive) call to arms to support the town rather than boycott or pressure the store. But it’s always been curious that no one in the town has ever started an anti-Tesco campaign. There have certainly been letters to the press and talk on the streets but nothing formal. Compare this to other towns that are or have faced Tesco where, often, there’s been a very public crusade.

What does this say about Rhuthun? A contentment with Tesco? No warrior willing to come forward to lead? The feeling that deep down Tesco may be good for town trade? Or just a realisation of the inevitable?


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