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Blog Rhuthun/Ruthin Blog

cyhoeddwyd gan Non Liquet, cydweithwyr a’u tîm


Whatever the rights or wrongs of Ethangate, it's just a pity that the town council has in the last 18 months become so political. Previously, we've had Conservatives (sometimes mascaraing as independents) who've acted on their judgement of the best interests of the town. We've had Plaid Cymru councillors, poles apart from the Conservatives, also acting in this way. 
Since the by-election of April 2015, the dynamic's changed and the town council is increasingly divided. Should access to the town council be used for grandstanding, whether on the left or on the right? Should councillors instead join to further the town or further a cause?

Or am I being naïve?

Little wonder that in May this year the town council struggled to attract enough candidates to ensure a vote. 11 came forward to fill 15 seats. The town council seems increasingly divided and party politics for the first time ever is becoming an issue.

Now, councillor Ethan Jones has used his Twitter feed to resign. He cites many reasons. One is that the town council is undemocratic. It's a cause of concern that we haven't seen a proper election in years (other than a solitary by-election) and we've said as much on several occasions. The root of the problem is that not enough people are willing to stand and this means candidates are returned unopposed. Whose fault is this? Jones seems to blame the town council itself yet, actually, is it not the fault of all of us? We either take no interest; or we cannot be bothered; or we'd rather swipe from the side-lines.

Or, perhaps we're put off by the politicking that is now developing. 

Another reason according to Jones is that he states that he is being bullied within the town council and on social media. As regards the town council, we've no idea whether his claims are correct but if you enter politics surely you can expect a level of personal attack, especially if you are also on the attack yourself. Looking back at the the town council where Jones spoke out regarding the queen's jubilee and it would probably seem to suggest that there were flaws on both sides. Jones talks of 'gaslighting'. I confess that I do not fully understand the etymology of this term but it seems to involve sustained attack and, if true, that is far from acceptable. But Jones's Twitter account would indicate that he, too, attacks. We're not (necessarily) referring to attacks on the town council, though.  

As for social media, here's somewhere you can easily be bullied regardless as to whether you're in politics or not. Sometimes, people do misinterpret a dislike for or disagreement of something as bullying but the overall performance of Ruthinites on social media can sometimes be unhealthy. Again, neither is politics, all the time, especially at the moment. There can be no excuse for the outrageous behaviour on social media and if Jones is a victim of that then that is unacceptable, however much this now seems to be the norm. People who disagree should do so respectfully. Then again, so should Jones.

Footnote: Jones isn't the first to resign in recent years over matters of what he sees as principle. Dave Snape also did so. 

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