Helo a chroeso i
Blog Rhuthun/Ruthin Blog

cyhoeddwyd gan Non Liquet, cydweithwyr a’u tîm

The Village Pump

The difference between the UK and Wales coronavirus briefings is the journalistic input.

In Caerdydd, we hear questions from the BBC and ITV as we do in Lloegr/England. But there are questions for Dr Andrew Goodall from the likes of the Caerphilly Observer and the Powys County Times. You don't see Prof Chris Witty taking queries from journos representing the Chigley Chromicle or the  Trumpton Times or the Camberwick Gazette. No, compared to Llundain's lofty aloofness, Wales' briefings are reassuringly parochial, like a gathering in the village post office or under the canopy of the community centre.

Today's Wales NHS briefing nevertheless offers some hope. Deaths are down, admissions appear to be stabilized and sickness absenteeism among NHS staff is fallen, we are told. If the tidings are as the slow unfurling of petals in spring sunshine, the message is clearly tempered by the possibility of a second wave. Like a stubborn mule, this pestilence refuses to shift.

Two BBC radio presenters analyse the briefing and you hear a doorbell in the background, as they work from home. Perhaps Amazon is delivering that back order of toilet rolls.

Meanwhile, life seems to be nothing more than work and washing up. But during Thursday evenings at 8p.m. we punctuate the stillness by the sound of applause and spoons on saucepans. For the fourth week, we all emerge to give thanks for the carers and NHS staff who unhesitating risk their own well-being for ours. There is evidence of a little reserve creeping in, though, so I notice this evening as people retreat more quickly.

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