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Blog Rhuthun/Ruthin Blog

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In the News

A couple of our famous eateries were in the news, yesterday. In Seattle, no less. One Rick Steves (or was that Steve Ricks?) blogged on Rhuthun/Ruthin via the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (sic) which, apparently since 2009, is the only Seattle newspaper to publish entirely online. Steves is apparently famous throughout America for his Eurpean travel columns.

Steves was complimentary about the town and, in particular, lavished praise on the Manor House (Manorhaus). How much more applause can this restaurant-with-rooms take? Said Steves, "Today when locals want the best meal in town, they go to the Manorhaus".

The not-quite-newlyweds at On the Hill might disagree. As might others. This would include the new proprietors who are soon to open a bar & restaurant at The Star.

There'll be some local debate about the choice of its new name "Morning Star". For example, it does sound a little Soviet, a little Internationale. Perhaps Evening Star might've suited better. At least it retains the word "Star" in the title for, unlike some other hostelries, it's always been so. Whatever its name, it will be good to see the old place open again. It remains to be seen if food will attract Michelin's attention, like at the Manor House.

Geraint Owen's "Old and Present Pubs of Ruthin Town" suggests that hangmen from the Gaol opposite frequented The Star. No doubt they dud, though others feel it was the Royal Oak that was the more popular with this macabre profession.

Returning to Seattle, the other eatery mentioned in Steves's blog is Castell Rhuthun Castle. He refers to the Castle having ceased its medieval banqueting. I suppose someone of Steves's credentials should know. But, actually, a simple phonecall would confirm that the Banquet is stil very much open for business. How could he get this so wrong?

It's interesting that yesterday at least there were advertisements on both the Seattle PI's front page and Steves's blog for Bachman & Turner, once known as the Bachman Turner Overdrive and famous in the UK for the single "Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet". This is quite a coincidence given the currently popularity of the spook version, "Ain't Seen Ruthin Yet".

Rick Steves's Blog


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