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Blog Rhuthun/Ruthin Blog

cyhoeddwyd gan Non Liquet, cydweithwyr a’u tîm

Catching up on Comments

Thank you to all those who have recently posted comments.

On Somerfield

One commenter gives Somerfield in Rhuthun/Ruthin six months. Although the person does not say why, paraphrasing, “in Westhill Aberdeenshire Somerfield went from £160,000 to £55,000 per week and it was sold to M&S”. Westhill appears to have a population of some 10,000 souls but no Tesco. Rhuthun’s 5,000 is unlikely to support a Marks but I am sure there’d be plenty who would welcome one.

On Asda

The chair of the Pwllheli Chamber of suggested that the recent planning surprise would not stop Tesco in Rhuthun. “Like Asda, they have an insatiable desire to engulf all local trade”.

Pwllheli is already seeing a controversial Asda store under construction and he stated that planners have already granted the premises an extra 3,000 sq ft. Unlike in Rhuthun Tesco’s case, Gwynedd planners have recommended refusal of Asda’s planning application to increase its percentage of non-food sales to 35 per cent, citing the effect this would have on the town.

On Rhuthun Tesco Ruthin

Rob is cynical about people who in one breath moan about the Tesco effect who find themselves doing their shopping in the store. He feels Tesco is good for Rhuthun. “My family now does all its shopping there and an increase in size will only help it to give more choice for me the consumer. People in general need to accept change with open arms and see Tesco as a positive instead of a negative.”

On the Monthly Produce Market

Commenting on the fact that this seems somewhat under supported, an anonymous contributor suggested that it is held on a Friday (when the town is at its busiest) as well as a Saturday. “There would be synergy if held on a Friday.”


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